our vision
We try to make our wildlife as rich, healthy, and abundant as it once was.
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What We Do
what people say
It is better and more effective if the participants consist of heads of company/directors/owners together with their senior staff instead of just the individuals. After all, implementation of the ESG initiative involves every employee of the company with the support of the company leadership.
Soil Instruments (M) Sdn Bhd
Feedback from workshop participants (Malaysian SMEs) invited by a PLC company
Perhaps can organise next session to share the pilot project which already.implementing ESG elements in their process and the anticipated result as well.
Clouston Design Studio (M) Sdn Bhd
Feedback from workshop participants (Malaysian SMEs) invited by a PLC company
A clear SOP of ESG implementation would help stakeholders to embrace ESG more effectively
Keller (M) Sdn Bhd
Feedback from workshop participants (Malaysian SMEs) invited by a PLC company